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Want to save on your energy costs? Order the latest green and affordable battery?

MAXXPWR's most popular batteries are now also manufactured with the highest quality EV cells. These batteries are manufactured with 85 percent less CO2 emissions compared to other batteries (88 kg per kWh less) and make these real green batteries affordable for everyone. The batteries come with a 10-year cell performance warranty and a life expectancy of more than 20 years. Get to know the various options and order through our resellers



Real green energy


The MAXXPWR batteries are equipped with the highest quality high density EV cells on the market. The batteries are manufactured in such a way that 85 percent less CO2 emissions are released during manufacture (88 kg per kWh). The batteries have a 10-year performance guarantee with an expected lifespan of more than 20 years (8000 charges/discharges)



MAXXPWR is smart enough to work independently, but can also be read and controlled by other systems

As a result, a house with domotics, a charging station, a heat pump and/or other smart equipment can become even smarter with a MAXXPWR battery

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